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Lansdowne Terrace Stormwater and Road Upgrade

Updated: Dec 20, 2021


In 2019, Civil Tech completed a major drainage upgrade for Town of Walkerville, involving a new 1.3km trunk main adjacent the River Torrens to Ascot Ave near North East Rd. The main components of approximately 500m of 1200 RCP at depths of up to 3.9m, steadily reducing through various size RCBC and RCP before joining an existing 750mm RCP in the median of Ascot Ave. Works required construction of both large insitu and precast junction boxes up to 4.0m deep, as well as numerous cross connections, side entry pits and grated inlet pits.

Finishing works included new kerbing, seven fully lined rain gardens, new intersection treatments to adjacent side streets, around 2500m2 of full pavement reconstruction, and over 12,000m2 of asphalt overlay.


Let’s Work Together

Address:           231 Fullarton Rd, Eastwood SA 5063, Australia



Telephone:       (08) 8271 7400 

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